From the Series "Remembering the Old World"

Olga Krykun
Olga Krykun was born in Odesa (Ukraine), lives and works in Prague (Czech Republic). The artist has participated in more than 20 group exhibitions in Prague, Basel, Berlin, Venice, Taiwan, and more than 10 personal exhibitions since then. In an interview with Maria Kulikovska, Olga Krykun said that her artworks are redesigned ready-made of her intuition, with the edits. The artist works with different media: installation, painting, sculpture, video art, performance. Her drawings often become part of her installation or sculpture projects.

Olga Krykun's artworks are a challenge: a challenge to the stiff «pure» aesthetics, a challenge to the «approximate» glue of frames, a challenge to the mediocrity. Her graphics are a challenge to humor and infantility, and installation is a challenge to modern insensitivity and superfluous beauty.

Prices in EUR, but you can buy in UAH/USD/SEK equivalents of the currency conversion and the payment system. Any of your purchase is equally valid for us.

The drawing is properly packed in a box, so it will be safe on the way to its recipient. The box with the painting also includes a signed author's certificate with a wet seal of the Garage33. Gallery-Shelter. On your request the painting will be put in an anti-frame from recycled materials such as glass, metal fixtures and pressurized secondary wood.

We deliver our art works worldwide. You can contact us and choose the most convenient type of delivery or transport company. The art object will be delivered at the expense of the recipient after 100% advance payment of artwork.

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Series: Remembering the Old World

Technique: Pencil on Paper

Format size: 30x21 cm

Country: Czech Republic

Country: Ukraine